Monday, June 15, 2009


“Fate doesn't hang on a wrong or right choice
Fortune depends on the tone of your voice
So sing while you still can
While the sun hangs high up above
Wonderful songs of love.”
-Ben Folds

A few weeks ago, I saw the movie “Up” with my best friend. I was expecting it to be cute, heartwarming, nice…But it was much more than that. This film is a film that will ring most deeply with adults because there is so much meaning behind all of the things that seem only surface-deep to a young mind.

I could write forever about what I loved about this movie. I always appreciate the small things in life and this movie really stressed the importance of breaking from the ordinary and appreciating all of the beauties of this crazy life. Sure, it’s not too realistic that a bunch of balloons could carry a house to South America, but isn’t that what makes life so beautiful? We can dream things up and make anything happen, whether or not these things happen before our eyes. I was delighted by the unexpected rainbow bird, the battle between stiff-backed old men, the army of talking dogs, and the chubby, obnoxious, but determined young boy. The people in this movie are all people you know, only they’re going on adventures we’re all far too sensible to go on ourselves.

One part that really stuck with me, however, was when the boy, Russell, is talking about how he and his dad used to sit on the curb eating ice cream and pointing out all of the blue cars and the red cars. He says, “I know it might sound boring, but I kinda think it’s the boring stuff I remember most.” I really liked this. There are so many moments in our lives that seem completely ordinary and not that special, but, when things get too scary, the ordinary, mundane things are the safe home we long for most. And when other people tell us about their boring stuff, we can’t help but think, “Oh, that’s so nice!” even though it’s nothing more than another ordinary moment. It meant something to them. We read books about other people and their ordinary moments and we bury ourselves in them, even though we have enough of our own ordinary moments to fill a whole book. Because we see ourselves in these stories, where ice cream and curbs and maybe a storybook or a sit with a long-gone parent are the prime gifts of life. I love a book where I’m reading and I suddenly say, “I thought I was the only one who cared about that!” But it’s true that, whatever we outwardly express, it’s the seemingly unimportant things that end up being the most important.

What boring things am I madly in love with? Hmm…Pillows! What is more comforting than laying your head back on a nice, cushy pillow? Or two or three? And shaven legs. I love the feeling when my legs are just shaven and I’m sitting in my bed or at my desk chair and I pull my knees to my chest and my legs are all soft and smooth. What else? The rare occasion when my dad and I go get food after choir practice. I always feel privileged because I’m his buddy and we’re on an adventure together and, even though it’s not that important of an adventure, it’s still something I remember. I love the rare, special times my dad and I have together, whether they’re big or small, because he’s so cool. And I love a clean vagina! Go ahead and gasp, but this is my blog and I can say what I want, Madame Propriety-Pants. You know you feel just as good when your nether regions have been sweating and suffocating and leaking fluids and stinkin’ up inside your underwear all day and you finally clean it all out. I love it when I’ve just shaved my bikini line and I trim up and lotion up and the whole “situation” is squeaky clean. You know you agree. What else…Swingsets! I love swinging on the swings and listening to my iPod and singing and annoying everyone and scaring all the little children. Sprinklers! I LOVE RUNNING THROUGH SPRINKLERS. Especially big ones. Singing in the shower. Singing at all! My mother, unfortunately (for her), can attest to this. Making stuff. I love feeling like I’ve done something productive with my day! In fact, I believe I’ll work on one of my creative projects tonight. I also really love meeting a nice person on World of Warcraft. I know it’s just a silly game, but the nice thing about WoW is that there are no previous judgments over appearance, name, gender, or age. You can get into that stuff if you really connect with something, but, from the start, it’s just a conversation, empty of anything but friendliness.

I could go on for days about the little things I love in life. But I think my point is made.

I know this blog isn’t a whopper, but the message is simple:

  • See “Up” as soon as you possibly can and take everyone you love with you.
  • Think about what you love in life. Recognize it, appreciate it, and realize that you don’t have to fly your house to South America to realize that life is an adventure, whether or not it’s immediately apparent.

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