Sunday, May 31, 2009

An About Me that fits.

My About Me won't fit in 1200 characters and I can't shave myself down to that, so I'm making this post to link in my profile. Here is unnecessary information about me:

My name is Abagail Grayce and I'm mostly a very peculiar young lady. However, people seem to like me, either for or in spite of these pecularities.

Music is quite dear to my heart and I have a peculiar taste in it. Though I like some good obnoxious rock, as most teenagers do, I tend to like obscure stuff no one has ever heard of by artists on independent, obscure labels. Besides these, I love classical music, opera, and musicals. I am almost always singing, whether I'm belting out Phantom of the Opera in the shower or humming something under my breath, and I'm sure everyone who has met me has wished, at one point or another, that I would just keep my music to myself.

I read quite a bit but, once again, have a very peculiar taste in books for a girl my age. My mother raised me to love books and I have always valued challenging reads. My favorite book in the entire universe is Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I am constantly chomping my way through the classics and other favorites include Anna Karenina, Gone with the Wind, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights.

I love to adventure, taking long walks around town with iPod in hand and notebook at the ready. For a book nerd, I have a rather peculiar love for the outdoors and love to hike, camp, and backpack with my dad, who is my primary hiking buddy.

I am in a rather peculiar relationship with a rather peculiar boy is extremely wonderful. This relationship is peculiar because we both live on the complete opposite ends of the country from one another. But, since we're both romantics, we've made it through almost a year and half together (though being mature about the relationship can also be quite helpful).

My primary focus in life is to soak in all of the radiant things. While making long-term goals and making a good life for myself are the most important parts to enabling this, there are multitudes of little things I can do along the way to keep myself light-hearted. I take every opportunity to walk barefoot, try never to leave a sprinkler un-run-through, and, despite my crippling shynesss, always make an effort to strike up a conversation with my bus driver, lunch lady, or Kwik-E-Mart cashier.

That's enough of my ranting about my peculiarities. Go find someone normal to talk to! Or read my blog if you don't care for normality and would prefer to chew on a handful of slightly luminescent ideas.

(P.S. My original music list was much longer, so I have granted you the abridged version. You're welcome.)


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