Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Open Book

I usually keep my blogs to MySpace, as it's a private, safe place for my thoughts. However, sometimes I write something less personal and more artistic and reflective that I'd like to share with more people. Example? My mother. However, I wouldn't want her reading half the things on my MySpace blog.

So, that brings us here to this blog. This will be my artistic blog, my blog that isn't wasted on trite, mopey rants about my shitty life. This blog will be reserved for the real thoughts that actually matter and, perhaps, a less important, but mildly amusing rant now and then.

So, without further ado, here is my open, purposeful, public blog. Let's cut the red ribbon so we can eat the damn cake already.

love and all of those sincere-sounding tidings,


  1. Yay! I'm the first comment! I'm so happy that you will be sharing your articulate, inquisitive, reflective, intelligent thoughts with the world!

    what kind of cake are we eating?
    Love Mom

  2. Chocolate! Simply because I say so.
